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Week of May 11th Unit 3 Aztec Empire video work sheet-1

Work Sheet

Q 1. How were the Maya and Aztec states seen in the video different in terms of size of territory, size of population, tribute system, and warfare? What kind of food production system did the Aztec state rely on?How did the Aztecs keep records and what did they record in these documents?4. What benefits did warfare provide to the Aztec empire? 5. What strategy did the Aztecs use to expand their empire, as described in the video? 6. What was the purpose of the “ball game” for the Maya, as described by Linda Schele? . What was the “problem” that developed for the king of Yaxchilan’s plan for his chosen heir succeeding him?

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___Huge stone billboards and temples used to be built by the Maya rulers to ensure that there would be power shown by the rulers to scare other individuals. Mexico City had been captured by the Aztec states. 100 independent states had been conquered by the Aztecs. The Aztecs had appeared to be more powerful and politically successful than the Maya rulers. The Aztecs bathed in the blood of their enemies by killing their enemies. The Aztecs had been very brutal compared to the Maya rulers. There had been a God of war and a God of water for the Aztecs. Aztlan had been the place of existence of the Aztecs. The hearts of captured enemies used to be taken out by the Aztecs after killing them.